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Clutch, Trans, Diff, Rear Axle, PTOClutch, Trans, Diff, Rear Axle, PTO > Clutch Related Parts

Clutch Pedal Pivot Pin

Clutch pedal pivot pin for the Case-IH model tractor(s).

Catalog Number: CP5334
1.820" overall length --- 0.625" OD and 0.248" OD

Model Note Equipment Information
Hydro 100 Hydro
706 Fit the following gear drive and HYDROs
756 Fit the following gear drive and HYDROs
766 Fit the following gear drive and HYDROs, up to sn 7597
806 Fit the following gear drive and HYDROs
826 Fit the following gear drive and HYDROs
856 Fit the following gear drive and HYDROs
966 Fit the following gear drive and HYDROs, up to sn 14085
1026 Fit the following gear drive and HYDROs
1066 Fit the following gear drive and HYDROs,up to sn 17030
1206 Fit the following gear drive and HYDROs
1256 Fit the following gear drive and HYDROs
1456 Fit the following gear drive and HYDROs
1466 Fit the following gear drive and HYDROs, up to sn 12145
1468 Fit the following gear drive and HYDROs, up to sn 7405
Price:  $33.48 each

Call to Order: 866-235-1979
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